It's relatively cool outside. Yesterday clouds, and winds from the north, finally broke the recent streak of triple digit weather. Very nice. My house is still holding on to the heat that built up the past couple of weeks. It's an old house, and it absorbs the prevailing temperature in its bones, in this case sending waves of warmth bouncing around inside. So, it's cool and in the 70s outside, but over 86 F inside.
I've been had a pain killer defying headache for the past few days. I've been cranky from the triple digit, sneers at my air conditioner's attempt to cool me, heat. Hot weather does not inspire me to create jewelry. Hot weather doesn't inspire me to do anything, except continually check the calendar, counting the days until the weather will cool off. Oh, and get a touch whiny, and very lethargic. There's Summer, and there's crazy hot, humid Summer.
Unable to corral my overheated, sulky self into creativity at this time, I decided to start working on listing destash stuff. I figure that working on listing destash items will either spark my creativity, or kill time for the rest of Summer as I muse over whether or not to keep those beads I've never used. I'm good either way.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
My TWest Treasury!
Making Treasuries is addictive, calorie-free, fun. My latest Treasury:
I Love Colors - Great Greens
I have more ideas for future Treasury themes, and new theme ideas often surprise me.
I Love Colors - Great Greens
I have more ideas for future Treasury themes, and new theme ideas often surprise me.
Friday, June 26, 2009
There's an Etsy Sneak Attack Today!
Sneak Attack
Friday, June 26 at 7:00 pm EDT
What is a Sneak Attack? From the Handmade Movement web site:
"It's a way to support independent artisans who are trying to sell their wares online. Three days a week at an appointed time, an Etsy shop with few or no sales is announced on this site. As many people as possible then buy items from that shop, resulting in a frenzy of surprise business to the unsuspecting shop!"
Etsy Forum thread for today's Sneak Attack, Sneak Attack Friday June 26th
You can support Sneak Attacks by making a purchase from the lucky "victim(s)", and/or by posting in the thread.
Fabulous fun!
Friday, June 26 at 7:00 pm EDT
What is a Sneak Attack? From the Handmade Movement web site:
"It's a way to support independent artisans who are trying to sell their wares online. Three days a week at an appointed time, an Etsy shop with few or no sales is announced on this site. As many people as possible then buy items from that shop, resulting in a frenzy of surprise business to the unsuspecting shop!"
Etsy Forum thread for today's Sneak Attack, Sneak Attack Friday June 26th
You can support Sneak Attacks by making a purchase from the lucky "victim(s)", and/or by posting in the thread.
Fabulous fun!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Distractions are So Distracting
Not a bad morning. Just a few pesky surprises. eBay related - someone trying to do something they shouldn't, and front yard related - the gentleman who cuts my yard is out of town until Monday. I try to be prepared for dealing with life's ins and outs. I'm good with the expected pesky stuff. I'm dreadful with the unexpected stuff that sneaks in behind me and smacks my bottom. Being like this isn't related to my being disabled. I've always been this way. My stoic resolve is a bit thread bare these days, though.
I did eBay out of necessity, to have funds 'til next I get paid. I'd forgotten that eBay is web central for all manner of nonsense. The gentleman who cuts my yard being away is a reminder that I can no longer do everything that needs to be done. Bummed, I moped for a while. After about 3 minutes of moping, I started to fall back on old, comforting, bad habits. But...wait! I couldn't find my old, comforting, bad habits. Shopping therapy? Loss that with my income drop. Psychological eating? With my gastrointestinal problems (the surgery threat) I'm not so much into eating. Guilty pleasures? The only one I have is watching ANTM, and the season is over. Since I couldn't think of any bad habits to fall back on, I decided to pull myself out moping with positive reinforcement. An affirmation. That's the ticket!
I began telling myself that I was strong. Then, my mind began drifting, and before long I was humming the theme music to "The Bionic Woman", the affirmation forgotten. I remembered another time I tried affirmations, telling myself "I feel good", but I wound up humming James Brown songs. I'm not really feeling fortified, but not feeling as down, either. I wondered if I were too easily distracted, but I lost that train of thought when I saw the beaded crochet bracelet I'm working on. Which was lying next to a book I'm reading. Which has a bookmark I made in it. I wondered where another bookmark I made was. Then...what was I talking about? Oh, yes. Focus! How my morning is going. Well, I'm still going, and dealing with life's ins and outs. I've never been to In and Out Burgers, but I've heard they're really good...
I did eBay out of necessity, to have funds 'til next I get paid. I'd forgotten that eBay is web central for all manner of nonsense. The gentleman who cuts my yard being away is a reminder that I can no longer do everything that needs to be done. Bummed, I moped for a while. After about 3 minutes of moping, I started to fall back on old, comforting, bad habits. But...wait! I couldn't find my old, comforting, bad habits. Shopping therapy? Loss that with my income drop. Psychological eating? With my gastrointestinal problems (the surgery threat) I'm not so much into eating. Guilty pleasures? The only one I have is watching ANTM, and the season is over. Since I couldn't think of any bad habits to fall back on, I decided to pull myself out moping with positive reinforcement. An affirmation. That's the ticket!
I began telling myself that I was strong. Then, my mind began drifting, and before long I was humming the theme music to "The Bionic Woman", the affirmation forgotten. I remembered another time I tried affirmations, telling myself "I feel good", but I wound up humming James Brown songs. I'm not really feeling fortified, but not feeling as down, either. I wondered if I were too easily distracted, but I lost that train of thought when I saw the beaded crochet bracelet I'm working on. Which was lying next to a book I'm reading. Which has a bookmark I made in it. I wondered where another bookmark I made was. Then...what was I talking about? Oh, yes. Focus! How my morning is going. Well, I'm still going, and dealing with life's ins and outs. I've never been to In and Out Burgers, but I've heard they're really good...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
There's an Etsy Sneak Attack Today!
Sneak Attack
Wednesday, June 24 at 7:00 pm EDT
What is a Sneak Attack?
From the Handmade Movement web site:
"It's a way to support independant artisans who are trying to sell their wares online. Three days a week at an appointed time, an Etsy shop with few or no sales is announced on this site. As many people as possible then buy items from that shop, resulting in a frenzy of surprise business to the unsuspecting shop!"
Etsy Forum thread for today's Sneak Attack, Wed, June 24th at 7:00PM EDT
You can support Sneak Attacks by making a purchase from the lucky "victim(s)", and/or by posting in the thread.
Fabulous fun!
Wednesday, June 24 at 7:00 pm EDT
What is a Sneak Attack?
From the Handmade Movement web site:
"It's a way to support independant artisans who are trying to sell their wares online. Three days a week at an appointed time, an Etsy shop with few or no sales is announced on this site. As many people as possible then buy items from that shop, resulting in a frenzy of surprise business to the unsuspecting shop!"
Etsy Forum thread for today's Sneak Attack, Wed, June 24th at 7:00PM EDT
You can support Sneak Attacks by making a purchase from the lucky "victim(s)", and/or by posting in the thread.
Fabulous fun!
Vroom! Vroom!
This morning, the paratransit ride back home from the grocery store was exhilarating. We were going against rush hour traffic, so our side of the freeway was almost empty of traffic. Sailing along, watching the landscape zip by...I had a good time. I realized that I missed the sensation of motion. My walk, which is actually a step-drag, is too slow for me to really garner a sensation of movement. Most of my paratransit rides are in stop and go traffic, inducing queasiness more than anything. But, this morning the ride was smooth and fast. For a few minutes my mind was free of worry and the weight of living life disabled. I was flying. I was giddy and giggling with the surprising feeling of unfettered joy. Nice.
Monday, June 22, 2009
There's an Etsy Sneak Attack Today!
Sneak Attack
Monday, June 22 at 7:00 pm EDT
What is a Sneak Attack?
From the Handmade Movement web site:
"It's a way to support independant artisans who are trying to sell their wares online. Three days a week at an appointed time, an Etsy shop with few or no sales is announced on this site. As many people as possible then buy items from that shop, resulting in a frenzy of surprise business to the unsuspecting shop!"
Etsy Forum thread for today's Sneak Attack, Sneak Attack Monday June 22nd
You can support Sneak Attacks by making a purchase from the lucky "victim", and by posting in the thread.
Fabulous fun!
Monday, June 22 at 7:00 pm EDT
What is a Sneak Attack?
From the Handmade Movement web site:
"It's a way to support independant artisans who are trying to sell their wares online. Three days a week at an appointed time, an Etsy shop with few or no sales is announced on this site. As many people as possible then buy items from that shop, resulting in a frenzy of surprise business to the unsuspecting shop!"
Etsy Forum thread for today's Sneak Attack, Sneak Attack Monday June 22nd
You can support Sneak Attacks by making a purchase from the lucky "victim", and by posting in the thread.
Fabulous fun!
Createability Team Member Showcase #4
Createability Team Etsy is a group of artists with disabilities or who are caregivers to disabled people. The team exists to provide support and advice to each other, as well as opportunities to chat and promote.
Createability Handmade Items Search
Createability Supplies Search
Createability Vintage Search
Here is Showcase #4 of Createability Team Members:
ImagineMDD - Jewelry
Juliana's Creations - Jewelry & Tee Shirts
Merigreenleaf - Jewelry, Hats & More
Penelope Design- Neckwear, Clutches & More
Web Scrapbooking - Scrapbook Pages & More
Createability Handmade Items Search
Createability Supplies Search
Createability Vintage Search
Here is Showcase #4 of Createability Team Members:
ImagineMDD - Jewelry
Juliana's Creations - Jewelry & Tee Shirts
Merigreenleaf - Jewelry, Hats & More
Penelope Design- Neckwear, Clutches & More
Web Scrapbooking - Scrapbook Pages & More
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Signs of Summer
There's a cicada near my front porch singing, "I'm Just a Love Machine." Judging by his lack of action, none of the female cicadas are buying his line. I think he is less Smoky Robinson; more the guy on the dance floor who warbles the words while dancing with you.
Although I've already combed out many pounds of their hair, my cats are still shedding at an amazing rate. Yet, they are not going bald. I think cat hair is how new matter is generated in our universe. I think it's the best way to explain how such relatively little feline bodies produce such vast quantities of hair. The hair is coming through a worm hole to another dimension.
It is still dark outside, but I'm already sweaty and hot. I mean, dewy and glistening.
Ah, Summer in Texas.
Although I've already combed out many pounds of their hair, my cats are still shedding at an amazing rate. Yet, they are not going bald. I think cat hair is how new matter is generated in our universe. I think it's the best way to explain how such relatively little feline bodies produce such vast quantities of hair. The hair is coming through a worm hole to another dimension.
It is still dark outside, but I'm already sweaty and hot. I mean, dewy and glistening.
Ah, Summer in Texas.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Pragmatic Girls Wanna Have Fun
While at the grocery store yesterday, there were a number of folks having what appeared to be grocery cart races. Turns out those folks had won a contest at their jobs, and the prize being everything they could get in their carts within 90 seconds free. Sweet. I imagined what I would do if I won such a prize. First, I'd get a pinch hitter, runner, grabber, whatever. I move too slowly, and poorly, to do the race myself. The participants were heading straight to the meat department. I, or rather my stand in, would head straight to the personal item, and cleaners, departments. All those things that make my bank balance cringe when it's time to re-stock. Toothpaste, deodorant, personal items - ahem, antihistamines. Washing powder. I would top it all off with loads of IAMs dry cat food, too expensive for my current budget. I enjoyed rooting for the contest winners. I did ponder that my related fantasy was so pragmatic.
I think what is fun for me has been redefined by my life's twists and turns. Accomplishing the basics has become my new fun. It's fun when after paying bills I have money for groceries from one social security payment to the next. Every day I don't have to have major surgery is a fun day. I have fun when I can finish basic housekeeping before the pain from my damaged nerve puts me down. Not laugh riot situations, but I do get the warm fuzzies. Pre-disabled life is becoming a vague memory. I still mourn for the loss of mobility, and the addition of daily pain. I probably always will, but I don't stop living life disabled when I'm mourning the loss of my pre-disabled life. The changes in my life have changed what I consider to be fun. My fun has changed to what I used to consider pragmatic.
I still have fun. I think I do. Knowing for certain might be fun.
I think what is fun for me has been redefined by my life's twists and turns. Accomplishing the basics has become my new fun. It's fun when after paying bills I have money for groceries from one social security payment to the next. Every day I don't have to have major surgery is a fun day. I have fun when I can finish basic housekeeping before the pain from my damaged nerve puts me down. Not laugh riot situations, but I do get the warm fuzzies. Pre-disabled life is becoming a vague memory. I still mourn for the loss of mobility, and the addition of daily pain. I probably always will, but I don't stop living life disabled when I'm mourning the loss of my pre-disabled life. The changes in my life have changed what I consider to be fun. My fun has changed to what I used to consider pragmatic.
I still have fun. I think I do. Knowing for certain might be fun.
Friday, June 19, 2009
There's an Etsy Sneak Attack Today!
Sneak Attack
Friday, June 19 at 7:00 pm EDT
What is a Sneak Attack?
From the Handmade Movement web site:
"It's a way to support independant artisans who are trying to sell their wares online. Three days a week at an appointed time, an Etsy shop with few or no sales is announced on this site. As many people as possible then buy items from that shop, resulting in a frenzy of surprise business to the unsuspecting shop!"
Etsy Forum thread for today's Sneak Attack, Sneak Attack Friday June 19th
Fabulous fun!
Friday, June 19 at 7:00 pm EDT
What is a Sneak Attack?
From the Handmade Movement web site:
"It's a way to support independant artisans who are trying to sell their wares online. Three days a week at an appointed time, an Etsy shop with few or no sales is announced on this site. As many people as possible then buy items from that shop, resulting in a frenzy of surprise business to the unsuspecting shop!"
Etsy Forum thread for today's Sneak Attack, Sneak Attack Friday June 19th
Fabulous fun!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Acronym Overload
I getting acronym overload. SEO. CEO. CFO. M-I-C-K-E-Y, oh, wait, that's not an acronym. MOUSE, which is an acronym. IKEA. No...wait, keep IKEA. Much easier for my non-linguistic self to pronounce.
I TIRE of having to constantly ASK WHAT someone is SAYing because I DON'T KNOW what ALL these ACRONYMs MEAN. All of the words in caps are acronyms. Even the word acronym is used as an acronym. I don't like excessive acronym use, but I do like Acronym Finder. Guess what web site I was playing on this morning.
I haven't been making a lot of jewelry lately. Once I'm done moving my items to my new shop, taking more and better photos, and tweaking my listings' titles and descriptions, I can go back into a creating routine. I miss creating more often, but if I don't finish moving, photographing, and tweaking first, I may never finish doing those things. I haven't whined much about doing these things. Either I am growing as a person, or I'm rocking the antidepressants. I'm good either way.
I TIRE of having to constantly ASK WHAT someone is SAYing because I DON'T KNOW what ALL these ACRONYMs MEAN. All of the words in caps are acronyms. Even the word acronym is used as an acronym. I don't like excessive acronym use, but I do like Acronym Finder. Guess what web site I was playing on this morning.
I haven't been making a lot of jewelry lately. Once I'm done moving my items to my new shop, taking more and better photos, and tweaking my listings' titles and descriptions, I can go back into a creating routine. I miss creating more often, but if I don't finish moving, photographing, and tweaking first, I may never finish doing those things. I haven't whined much about doing these things. Either I am growing as a person, or I'm rocking the antidepressants. I'm good either way.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
End of the Day, Found Out About a Giveaway
Desert Soapstone is having a Blackberry Amber Glycerin Soap Giveaway on their blog. Hmm...amber...I love the scent of amber. Amber and blackberries? Heaven. I'm entering!
Posted some things on eBay, non-Etsy things. I was excited about the five free auction style listings, until I saw eBay's "new and improved" - cough, cough, choke - listing format. Horizontal scrolling; mish-mash layout; and a few acres of dead space between the end of the listing and the place a bid button. I can't see a potential bidder spending any time looking at my listings. I didn't want to look at my listings. Ah, well, if it seems too good to be true...
Added June 18, 2009 - No word from eBay about the problems. However, they did shut down one of my auctions because they said I was listing a pirated copy of a dvd. It is an original edition of the dvd, signed by the person who made the dvd. Good grief. You know a business is doing something wrong when getting their services for free is not appealing.
I hope your day is going well, and your evening will be wonderful.
Where Have I Been and What Have I Been Up To?
Well, for many weeks, I was pretty much out of it due to gastrointestinal, omg I might have to have a major operation, much pain, problem. Didn't have surgery, thank goodness, though it still looms over me. I've been catching up on making and listing items for my shop; moving items to my new Etsy shop - BeadDance Jewelry; and taking and re-taking photos of my items. Quitting smoking is still a priority, now that I'm not on the edge of facing major surgery with a long recovery.
I'm in a Treasury! Pearly Goodness created by CindyLouWho2. Remember, with Treasuries it's great to click on the selections, and to leave a comment for the curator to let them know what you think about their selections.
Interesting...eBay now allows "your first five single-quantity auction-style listings to be listed on the site in a 30-day period have an Insertion Fee of $0.00 for eligible categories." The things I would list on eBay are in eligible categories. I used to sell my jewelry on eBay, but the listing fees sucked the profits right out of me. Five shots at earning some money, without being eaten alive by eBay's listing fees sounds good to me. Final Value Fees are still in effect.
Me learning about, and implementing, SEO stuff and thingies. "Thingies" Oh, yeah, I've got a ways to go on this particular learning curve.
All in all, I'm here, and I'm happy to be here.
I'm in a Treasury! Pearly Goodness created by CindyLouWho2. Remember, with Treasuries it's great to click on the selections, and to leave a comment for the curator to let them know what you think about their selections.
Interesting...eBay now allows "your first five single-quantity auction-style listings to be listed on the site in a 30-day period have an Insertion Fee of $0.00 for eligible categories." The things I would list on eBay are in eligible categories. I used to sell my jewelry on eBay, but the listing fees sucked the profits right out of me. Five shots at earning some money, without being eaten alive by eBay's listing fees sounds good to me. Final Value Fees are still in effect.
Me learning about, and implementing, SEO stuff and thingies. "Thingies" Oh, yeah, I've got a ways to go on this particular learning curve.
All in all, I'm here, and I'm happy to be here.
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