Etsy is an online marketplace where you can buy and sell items that are handmade, as well as vintage goods and crafting supplies.
I joined a group on Etsy - Create Ability Team Etsy. Create Ability Team Etsy is a group of artists with disabilities or who are caregivers to disabled people. The team exists to provide support and advice to each other, as well as opportunities to chat and promote.
Items for sale on Etsy by Create Ability Team members can be found by doing a search on Etsy with the word "createability": CreateAbility Etsy Search
Periodically, I will post a showcase of Create Ability Team members. Here's the first:
Ophelia's Apothecary - Lotions, Creams, Sprays, and more
Cindy Lou Who 2 - Gemstone, Pearl and Shell Jewelry
Stuff by Steph77 - Greeting Stuff, Magnetic Stuff, and more
Sierra Pelona Crochet - Hand Crocheted Lace, and more
Flamingo Lady - Jewelry, Magnets, and more
Carapace - Original Illustrations, Jewelry, and more
There will be more Create Ability Showcases in the future.
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