Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Where Have I Been and What Have I Been Up To?

Well, for many weeks, I was pretty much out of it due to gastrointestinal, omg I might have to have a major operation, much pain, problem. Didn't have surgery, thank goodness, though it still looms over me. I've been catching up on making and listing items for my shop; moving items to my new Etsy shop - BeadDance Jewelry; and taking and re-taking photos of my items. Quitting smoking is still a priority, now that I'm not on the edge of facing major surgery with a long recovery.

I'm in a Treasury! Pearly Goodness created by CindyLouWho2. Remember, with Treasuries it's great to click on the selections, and to leave a comment for the curator to let them know what you think about their selections.

Interesting...eBay now allows "your first five single-quantity auction-style listings to be listed on the site in a 30-day period have an Insertion Fee of $0.00 for eligible categories." The things I would list on eBay are in eligible categories. I used to sell my jewelry on eBay, but the listing fees sucked the profits right out of me. Five shots at earning some money, without being eaten alive by eBay's listing fees sounds good to me. Final Value Fees are still in effect.

Me learning about, and implementing, SEO stuff and thingies. "Thingies" Oh, yeah, I've got a ways to go on this particular learning curve.

All in all, I'm here, and I'm happy to be here.


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